Every person approaches decision making in a different way. Some of us are cautious and
methodical, while others are more spontaneous. These decision-making styles can have a
profound effect on our marriage and every aspect of our lives.
You’re either a spontaneous or cautious decision maker. What about your spouse? There are
benefits and drawbacks to having similar decision-making styles. Likewise, conflicting styles
have their pros and cons.
How could your decision-making style affect your marriage? Here are a few major impacts
to consider. For better or worse, it’s worth thinking through potential outcomes before you
1. Regret
Making an impulsive decision without much forethought or communication could lead to
regret. By the same token, waiting too long to make a decision can yield the same result!
Whether it’s the loss of an opportunity or a situation that feels like buyer’s remorse in the
aftermath, your decision-making style can lead to regret.
So how do you avoid regret when making decisions? You can’t always. But, you can step
outside your personal decision-making style to evaluate possible outcomes and alternatives.
For example, if you make a hasty decision today, may you regret it tomorrow? If you delay
making an offer on a home, could you lose the deal? Consider the potential consequences
before you jump (or wait for too long).
2. Limited Choices
The way you make decisions can also result in limited choices. So what might that look like?
Limited choices aren’t just missed opportunities; they’re also fewer options in general. If
you’re cautious about making decisions, that can naturally narrow your choices.
On the other hand, let’s say one of you is an impulsive decision-maker. If you make a
decision before you know all your options, you’re self-limiting. Either way, you’re missing out
on possibilities.
3. Marital Conflict
The way you make decisions can ultimately lead to conflict in your marriage. This is
especially true when you and your spouse don’t communicate about decision-making. If you
make decisions in a similar way, then you’ll have unseen issues to watch out for.
But let’s say you and your spouse have different decision-making styles. In that case, you
have a great opportunity to work together. Rather than clashing, the two of you can spot
those weaknesses for each other and work as a team before making any big decisions.
To be more effective at decision-making in your marriage, it’s important to learn to speak
one another’s unique languages. Strengthening your communication will help you in every
aspect of your marriage. It will also lead you to healthier decision-making processes that you
can embark on together.
Need a little additional guidance? Check out this book, Love Talk, is a great resource to help
you navigate your communication–particularly when it comes to making decisions.
Provided by Dr. Les and Leslie Parrot